Providing healthy livestock and farm produce for local and national customers.


Hi, I’m Sam!

Hi, I’m Josh!

The Avenue Myrtle Creek is an agricultural enterprise developed by the dreams and designs of an aspiring young couple (Sam and Josh). Located in the bountiful and productive region of the Northern Rivers NSW, the farm has many opportunities for livestock, food production, stud breeding programs and more. Our visions will always encompass our values of sustainability, humane and enriched livestock husbandry, regenerative methods and minimising waste.

As we continue to research the best methods of agriculture and brainstorm the latest breeding program, you can expect The Avenue to morph and grow. Over time we will only improve and sculpt our visions in order to provide the best quality and variety of products.

Our current focus is on our livestock breeding programs and the development of our “Full Circle” concept. That is; we aim to raise and maintain a working ecosystem of insects, worms, plants, soil, and livestock. Whereby the bounty and excess of these systems will be available for utilisation. These will sometimes be available either in our own home to share with our family and guests, or available for purchase. Our produce that may be available (but not limited to) milk, honey, cheese, meat, smallgoods, eggs, fruit and vegetables, fertile eggs, livestock and stud breeding livestock.

Meet the Animals

  • Light Sussex


    We are currently breeding Heritage Breed Light Sussex Chickens. The Light Sussex is a dual purpose bird that can live upwards of 8+ years. Producing an estimated annual average of 250 eggs per bird. They are extremely docile and easy to maintain.

  • Miniature Goats

    Australian Miniature and Miniature Meat Goats

    Our Miniature goat endeavors began in 2009 with the foundation of “Rivergate Stud”. After moving to NSW in 2019 we rebranded to The Avenue Stud. With over a decade of experience with multiple breeds as well as countless prestigious show awards, you can be confident in the quality, health and temperament of our animals.

    AABMGS founding member #00005

    MGA Member #2.216

  • Boer Goats

    Meat Goats

    We have a selection of registered (BGBAA) and commercial Boer goats. Our goal is to produce Stud breeding goats as well as meat from these outstanding animals. All the while striving to uphold the Boer goat breed standard and pairing this with our own focused traits. These favorable traits are; worm resistance, good feet, feed conversion, growth rate, temperament, meat capacity and general good health.

  • Maremma

    Maremma Sheepdogs

    Occasionally we will have Livestock Guardian puppies available for sale. We have an extremely talented and loyal breeding pair of Purebred Maremmas. These gorgeous large dogs provide protection to our property and livestock. We have a large number of dingo/wild dogs in our area and these Maremmas certainly keep us confident at night.

  • Dairy Cattle

    Australian Illawarra Shorthorn and Jersey x

    We currently have some gorgeous heifers that should expect to calve early 2024. These lovely ladies were hand reared on the farm and have the kindest and quietest temperaments. Our aim is to provide constant milk for use in the kitchen and any excess into farm use (raising calves/kids/lambs, milk fed pork, etc).

  • Beef Cattle

    Angus x

    Our farm is currently in the process of growing out some hand raised Angus x heifers. These girls have a few years before they get to have their own calves. They will hopefully produce some quality calves that we can raise for beef.